De Dansavond
Meeuw Jonge Theatermakers has been around for 25 years and we are celebrating this with all the up-and-coming stage talent that Friesland has to offer. More than a hundred young actors, dancers and musicians between the ages of 12 and 20 can be seen in DE DANSAVOND: a music theater production in which Meeuw Jonge Theatermakers, the Frysk Jeugd Orkest and the Jeugd Dans Opleiding Fryslan work together and show their most versatile side and to belong. A festive performance for anyone who is young or has ever been young.
DE DANSAVOND is the timeless story of the search for an unforgettable evening, of high expectations and hopes for that one. From gathering courage on the sidelines and painful attempts. From being rejected with a bang and kissing at the emergency exit. The world doesn’t stand still, but some things never change.
On Saturday, March 28 in the main hall of Stadsschouwburg De Harmonie in Leeuwarden at 14.30 and 20.00
Tickets via www.harmonie.nl
Who’s participating?
Concept and directed by Hilde Mulder
Choreography Grietine Molenbuur (Jeugd Dans Opleiding Fryslân)
Music Theo Brouwer (Frysk Jeugd Orkest)
Actors Larissa Boelsma, Janneke Boonstra, Minke Hoogenboezem, Luna Keijzer, Rosa Los, Eline Meijwaard, Cheyenne Nijboer, Jelke Rijpma, Renée Rijpstra, Jildou Smilda, Jante Stekelenburg, Hannah Swart, Brent Bosker, Guido Dijkstra, Ronald Kalter, Roel van Klaveren, Martijn Klop, Roelof Meijer, Maas Muhren, Kevin Postma, Sybren v.d. Velde, Riemer v.d. Wal
Music Sander Prins, Sigrid Brak, Nienke Kruithof, Mart Koek, Wieke Bouma, Annemijn van Dijk, Michelle Brunt, Emma de Waard, Ingrid Koezema, Anna Titia, Laura van Dijk, Muirne van Mechelen, Nynke Ariesen, Eva Kruithof, Beer Meester, Martin Kooistra, Nika Mombaerts, Anne de Waard, Hiske Alkema, Marleen van der Lei, Dirk Jorissen, Rozemarijn Remme, Nienke de Ruijter, Silke van der Land, Merijn Meindertsma, Marrit Riemersma, Syl van Heeringen, Lieke Faber, Martha de Jong, Heleen de Jonge, Arriën Rauh, Murel Fijnvandraat, Frank Drenth, Eva Luichies, Famke Adema, Stefanie de Jong, Douwe Nauta, Julia Kortenhorst, Arjan van der Boom, Miriam de Groot, Chantal Brunt, Marleen Talsma, Ybertha Elzinga, Lisa Scheltinga, Rosalie Haan, Lotte Bosma, Fons Jongema, Yasmin Sollie, Michelle Scheltinga, Jordy Boggia, Libor van der Boom, Reinder Boomsma, Primo Ish-Hurwitz, Douwe Somsen, Bente van der Brug, Wouter Boomsma, Eline Scheltinga, Leon van der Boom
Dance Fardau Attema, Mirjanne Beerda, Kirsten Ensink, Amarins Hof, Anniek van der Klaauw, Lisanne van der Kooi, Dilan Ozcetin, Anne Roeper, Julia Schut, Annelou Vijver, Bo Zwier, Nienke Zwijnepoel, Geronimo Chancoso, Wirin Doerga, Pim Steemers, Wesley van ‘t Voort
Text Wessel de Vries
Set design Marlies Schot
Costuming Judith de Zwart, Annet Stuurmeijer
Technical support Koos de Vries, Remko Smids
Director’s assistent Wendy Viel
Choreographer’s assistent Stephanie van der Wiel
Orchestra manager Ilse Schreur
marketing and communication Hester Berkelmans, Hilde Gerlofs
Photography Publicity Sjoerd Knibbeler
Photography during rehearsals Martin Rijpstra
Graphic designRob van Hoesel
Production Coco de Haas, Nyncke Kleisma
Office Henny Postma
artistic and bussiness direction by Hilde Mulder
PreviewLeeuwarder Courant
Preview Friesch Dagblad
Review Friesch Dagblad March 30, 2015
GPTVcame by in de Harmonie and interviewed Hilde Mulder