Een beetje duizelig en behoorlijk in de war
Is korfball a sport you should be ashamed of? Will you grow up to be as unhappy as your parents? Can you still be read to by your mother at the age of fourteen? Is having a tropical marine aquarium a strange hobby? Do you need to know now what you want to be when you grow up?
Inspired by high school film classics such as Dazed & Confused and Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Meeuw Jonge Theatermakers creates a location production in a school building. The performance takes you past abandoned classrooms and long corridors. To the world of twelve young people in the most confusing time of their lives: high school. The ultimate performance about adjusting expectations and dreams that turn out not to be crash-proof. For everyone who is still at school, longs for it or is happy that they never have to go back!
Who’s participating?
With Robin Bodde, Wies Eefting, Rémy Jamin, Abel Herman, Djoeke Graswinckel, Tim Grijmans, Sterre Henke Hofma, Sterre Joore, Sil van Kalker, Maas Muhren, Emma Tromp, Koen Visser, Riemer van der Wal, Emma Rixt Zwart,
Text Wessel de Vries
Directed by Wendy Viel en Lies van de Wiel
design by Josefine Smid
Lighting design Koos de Vries
Technical coordination Remko Smids
Technical support Jeroen van Casteren
Director’s assistents Emilie Middag en Dimitri de Vlieger
marketing Jelma Dekker
Office Henny Postma
Caretakers Ybo Salasse, Sam de Haas
production by Coco de Haas
general management Hilde Mulder
Photography by Tryntsje Nauta
Graphic design Rob van Hoesel
location production
Een beetje duizelig en behoorlijk in de war is a location production in a school building. The performance tours various schools in Leeuwarden and Groningen:
Groningen Monday 28, Tuesday 29 of January 2019
Zernike College – Helperbrink 30 Groningen
Tickets www.de-oosterpoort.nl
Leeuwarden Saturday February 2 2019
Christelijk Gymnasium Beyers Naudé – Gymnasiumstraat 36 Leeuwarden
Tickets: Stadsschouwburg De Harmonie www.harmonie.nl
“It shows how much your school years form a blueprint for the rest of your life” The Friesch Dagblad interviewed Hilde Mulder about ‘Een beetje duizelig en behoorlijk in de war’. Click here for the full article.
‘Along the edges of the school party’. Click here for the full review from the Leeuwarder Courant.
‘Another optimal score with Meeuw with a piece about the teenage world’. Click here for the full review from Friesch Dagblad.