Jonge Helden
Fifteen young people from Meeuw young theater makers delve into the lives of the resistance heroes of the Second World War. Based on the stories of elderly people who experienced the war, they create a performance under the direction of director Julia Schmitz that shows what resistance meant at that time. But especially what resistance looks like in 2017. How do you relate to a world in which populism is slowly emerging again?
About fighting for your freedom and the freedom to fight.
Jonge Helden is part of Theater Na de Dam; the national theater event in the context of National Remembrance Day.
On May 4 at 9 p.m., performances related to the period of the Second World War will take place throughout the country, including 25 youth projects.
Who’s participating?
Directed by Julia Schmitz
With Alicia Oosterhuis, Zele Hoogterp, Anna Heslinga, Bryan Winkels, Veerle Borgstein, Floor de Ruiter, Anne Bakker, Berber Tanja,Demi Olde Bijvank, Diede Hettinga, Emma Tromp, Joost Smit, Anna Wytske Holwerda, Joan Schippers
Storytellers Jantsje Post, Gerda Verduijn, Zwaantje Pentinga, Hieke Sevenster, de hear Jellesma
Marketing and PublicityHester Berkelmans
Production Coco de Haas
Editing Wikke Meinsma
Artistic and bussiness direction Hilde Mulder