Squeaking and creaking, the world starts again. And we are so happy that everything is returning to normal. Or..? Is this the time to change course and do things differently? We are starting with a theater production that is nothing like what you expect. About how you can dream small, feel free to fail, fall hard and silently unleash a revolution.
No Guts No Glory is our newest production. A production about change. About changing course and doing things differently than we are used to and expect. With music, dance, video and self-written texts. Even the audience has a voice in this production.
With Pieter van Aalst, Merel Aukema, Rens Bootsma, Loïs Brouwer, Tycho Cremers, Jannie Elzinga, Rinske Dolstra, Amir Issa, Guusje van Kalker, Evi Mannee, Lonneke Terpstra, Hannah de Vries
research: Lisa FrenkelDirected by:Wendy Viel Director’s assistent: Hester Douma Text: Wessel de VriesMusic Mats Voshol, Stan Vreeken Choreography: Andy Smart Costume design: Josefine Smid Design: Marlies Schot Lighting design: Koos de Vries video montage: Remko Smids Technical support: Jeroen van Casteren Internship technical support: Sam de Haas Production: Coco de Haas:PublicityNienke Rullmann, Marinthe Vergonet marketing advice: Jelma Dekker Photography: Tryntsje Nauta graphic desgin: Wikke Meinsma
caretaker: Ybo Salasse Artistic and bussiness direction: Hilde Mulder
Drachten – De Lawei
Tuesday april 5 19.30
Tickets www.lawei.nl
Franeker – Theater de Koornbeurs
Wednesday april 6 19.30
Tickets www.theaterdekoornbeurs.nl
Groningen – Jonge Harten theaterfestival
Saturday april 23 19.30
Tickets www.jongeharten.nl
Curious about the article by Kirsten van Santen – Leeuwarder Courant? You can read it here!
“Very strong theatrical dilemmas” was the headline in the Leeuwarder Courant. “Go to this performance. Because what you are presented with is comforting and inspiring.” You can read the full review here
“No guts no glory” shows what this world is all about: do you (young and old) dare to make choices when it comes to our survival or not?” wrote the Friesch Dagblad.
“The young, talented players of ‘n Meeuw who dance, sing and act full of love and passion, show with this interactive multidisciplinary performance that from a theatrical perspective you do not have to insult reality or shock it. Their energy, patience and respect may be vulnerable, but at the same time they are very strong as arguments for dreaming further, looking further.”