Olympia Palace
‘Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in Austria’. In a small village. I’ve been there.
They have a whole museum dedicated to him. Because one day Arnold Schwarzenegger crossed the ocean from that village. He became the most famous bodybuilder in the world. He became The Terminator. He became the first non-American governor of California. He’s a hero. He just did it. And me? I’m just sitting here.
Eight young people meet eachother every day at the gym: Olympia Palace. Because in the village where they live there is little else you can do. They work on themselves. And they dream. Big dreams, little dreams. About broad shoulders and round bottocks. About how everything changes. And then one of them decides to take the plunge. The leap to the South. Because you just have to do it. Just like Arnold Schwarzenegger did.
Who’s participating?
With Bryanth Chauthi, Iris Dicke, Jannie Elzinga, Elvis Khakichev, Nina Los, Tidde van Mourik, Johan van der Pol, Lieke Venema.
Directed by Eva Meijering script Wessel de Vries Dramaturgical advice Michael Bloos Design Marlies Schot Costuming Josefine Smid Musical design Thijs van Vuure Vocal Coach Elizabeth Kooy lighting design by Gé Wegman Sound design Remko Smids Technical support Jeroen van Casteren production by Coco de Haas Publicity Nienke Rullmann, Marinthe Vergonet Meeuw Jonge onderzoekers Wendy Viel marketing-advice Jelma Dekker Photography Trynstje Nauta graphic design by Wikke Meinsma Caretakers Ybo Salasse, Sam de Haas artistic and bussiness direction by Hilde Mulder
Stadsschouwburg De Harmonie – Leeuwarden
Sunday june 27 untill Friday july 2
Tickets: www.harmonie.nl
Dates can always change due to Covid-19
In the press
The press wrote about Olympia Palace. Read the article from Leeuwarder Courant and Friesch Dagblad.
Het Friesch Dagblad spoke to Eva Meijering about Olympia Palace. You can read the full article here
“A sympathetic, intriguing performance” – Leeuwarder Courant.
“These young girls and boys show that they know why they play and how to do it” –Friesch Dagblad.